OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Comprehensive and specialized assessments Individualized treatment plans Consultations for home, school, daycare or equipment adaptation School and daycare visits Group activities Education and training for caregivers, educators and other professionals
TREATMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR: Gross motor Fine motor Sensory integration Visual motor Visual perception School and play skill development Handwriting and computer skills Therapeutic Listening
SUMMARY OF SERVICES: Evaluation – An assessment visit of 2-hours with the child and caregiver to complete play-based clinic observations and standardized testing when appropriate. The evaluation includes a written report and a follow up discussion with caregivers. The report discusses the results of standardized testing and clinical observations, explaining in detail the links between observations and theory, and includes the established treatment objectives and plan.
Infant Evaluation – An assessment visit of 1 hour with the infant and caregivers to complete interview and play based clinical observations, including standardized testing if appropriate. Includes initial recommendations and establishing treatment objectives and plan.
Intervention session – A treatment session typically lasts for 60-minutes. Parents are encouraged to stay and observe the sessions. The parents will be given an opportunity to ask questions and discuss treatment with the therapist at the end of the session. Treatment sessions are also available in a daycare and school environment
Consultation session – A therapist visit to a home, daycare or school is possible to assist in evaluating and providing support in the child’s environment.
Evaluation and treatment times and objectives can be tailored on a case-by-case basis if there is a need. Please contact the clinic for more information.
Group Activities – Group intervention sessions are available for a variety of treatment objectives, such as social skills, picky eating, bike riding, and handwriting.
Training – Various ateliers will be offered throughout the year for parents, teachers, daycare workers and other professionals. Please see training page for upcoming workshops. Therapists are available to book a training on a specific topic for your group, please contact the clinic for more information