Kiddo Active Life Skills Groups provide opportunities for teens and young adults to engage in fun activities with similar aged peers while developing social skills, executive functioning skill and specific life skills. The groups are led by an occupational therapist who designs and modifies every activity for each participants ability, needs and goals so that everyone experiences success and goal achievement. Depending on the goals set out for the week we may also be including the feedback of our speech and language therapists and/or physiotherapists. The session will take place over 3 afternoons each week – Mondays will be the introduction to the group as well as the week’s lessons and deciding on the week’s activity, Tuesdays will include planning and organizing the week’s activity, and Thursdays will be the activity or outing to use the skills gained over the week.
This summer’s program is designed to address the overall life skills theme: Social Participation in the Community. By organizing a different activity each week, the group participants will practice a variety of life and social skills necessary to increase functional independence in the community. The activity will be chosen by the group each week with the assistance of the group leaders. These are some of the skills that will be introduced and practiced this summer:
How to plan for and get to and from activities using public transportation.
How to use smart phone apps for good – time management, planning, organizing, communicating with parents and friends, etc.
Phone etiquette – communication with the group as well as reaching out in the community through text and voice.
Planning and organizing as part of a group – including leadership and active participation in the group.
Volunteer work experience in order to practice skills necessary for the workplace includes how to put together a CV, and what expectations are when working or volunteering.
Being a host and being a guest – how to make plans and how to interact with friends in the home and community environments through food and other joint interest activities.
Important hygiene and personal management topics will be covered as they pertain to the group and the planned activities.
Budgeting and money management.
Group Information:
Group Size: Between 2-6 participants
Times: Times: from 3-5pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (time may change on Thursday depending on the week’s project/activity)
Dates: Pointe-Claire
Week 1: Coming Soon
Week 2: Coming Soon
Week 3: Coming Soon
Week 4: Coming Soon
Week 5: Coming Soon
Week 6: Coming Soon
Outremont TBA Location: Kiddo Active Pointe Claire & Kiddo Active Outremont
Transportation: We encourage all group participants to take public transportation to our sessions should they be able, however families may prefer to drive and/or pick up at the end of the day.
Additional information to consider :
It is possible that should all the members of the group wish to change the times of the meetings it may be possible to do so, please inform our receptionist team.
Each teen will likely have need of pocket money for the week’s outing/activity. It is our hope that the teens will learn to respect their budget and how to earn their pocket money towards a goal each week as this is an important life skill.
Some examples of activities: volunteering for shops in the Pointe Claire Plaza to work on essential job training skills, going to a restaurant with your peers, planning and going to recreational activities with friends.
Each family will be given a questionnaire for the parents and another for the teen to fill out when they register – allowing the therapist to understand the teen’s strengths, weaknesses and goals.
The group format will be adjusted to meet the needs of the individuals that register, unless the group format is not ideal for one of the teens.
Cost: $275 per week. $250 per week if more than 3 weeks are booked. Receipts will be provided for insurance or income tax purpose
Registration: Registration will be accepted by email, mail or in person. To reserve your spot 50% of the payment is required with the remaining 50% 30 days prior to program start date.
Receipts will be provided at the last session.
Checks can be made out to Kiddo Active Therapy. Credit card and debit payments can be made at the clinic or by phone.
Policy: Kiddo Active Therapy cancellation policy for groups:
In the case of cancellation prior to the registration deadline of 30 days prior to your chosen program, a full refund will be granted.
In the case of cancellation past the registration deadline, a refund of 50% of the fees will be granted.
In the case of cancellation after the first session, no refund will be granted, unless the therapists determine that the group is not the right fit for the child.
Please contact us at 514-428-0123 or [email protected] for more information.